Obedience or Not, What Do You Think?

     When God speaks of obedience to Him and His commandments, who is He talking to? He's talking to His people, whether they be Jews, or Christians. He's talking to the Church in America. He's talking to everyone who call themselves by His Name: Christian. Whether they are Sunday go to meet'in Christians or they are Really Live It Christians. If you say you are Christian, then He's talking to you. Better listen, because there are all kinds of scriptures in the in the old and the new testament that address people who say they are His but are friends with the world. And friends with the world are enemies of God.

   Sure I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and maybe writing this is just over the top for you, but, because of His love for us, He is patiently waiting for us to return to Him in obedience to His word. But, there comes a time when He will no longer strive with you, but He will give you over to your desires to serve yourself and the world, if that's what you want. I know, I've been there. When you want your own way, and resist God, you begin to sow death, and reap death in your own life. Why do you think you are suffering? Why do you think you are in pain, or your children have turned from God, or so many things are going wrong in your life? It is because God uses suffering, pain, adversity to bring you back in line with Him, but only if you are a child of His. He corrects His children, but if you are not a child of God, you will have ease and in the end you will reap the ultimate payment for your sins.
     Galatians 6: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. (NIV)
     I have paid the price of disobedience. Fortunately, God was patient with me, kept calling me to return to obedience, using adversity to turn me back to Him. I turned just recently, in February of last year. Much is wrong in my body, and in my family, but He has promised to heal me and make what was meant for evil into good.


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