Got Any Loners?
Of course you do; every congregation has them. Those people in your church who seem to blend into the wall paper, or into the crowd. There are those who hide in a large church for many reasons. Often they hide from rejection. They've been hurt enough times that they just won't risk the pain, but they see their need for God, and so they come to church, and hide. Well, you say, maybe if they would make friends they wouldn't be loners. Sure, easy for you to say, you're confident in your ability to make friends. Maybe you've never been hurt, maybe you never put people on pedestals and expect them to treat you like they value you. Actually, we all do that. We expect people to treat us with respect, to like us, and keep from talking about us to others. Crush the cliques. Take the people who are so complacent in their cliques (their safe little groups) and use them to reach out to others. Form a ministerial group. Maybe you could begin a group where...