Be the Solution

Change. That's a dirty six letter word. Nobody likes change. But, what happens when God says "you're not doing what I told you to do" and He's talking to your church? When people who were good little church goers suddenly leave the place in which you were so used to seeing them and they start spreading gossip or downright lies because they didn't want anything to change, what about that?

   It hurts.
You wonder what happened. You thought those people were the salt of the earth, the pillars of the church, the ones who had all the spiritual answers, or should have, in your opinion. What about you?
   When your church attendance falls from 100 to 20 (and that's counting children who can't vote) within only 2 years and you want to rant about the unfairness of the whole thing because you lost friends who were precious to you because of it, but God says No to you, He says, love them, treat them the way I taught you to.
   It makes you angry.
But, what makes you sorry, even more sorry than it makes you angry, is when you realize He was talking to you when He said, you're not doing what I told you to do. You know you aren't spreading the word in your community; you are one of the reasons your church is dying. And you want to blame someone else, you want to justify yourself, to make yourself feel better, but you know it's sin.
Do what He said. Spread the word, feed the hungry, heal the sick, cast out demons, visit the sick and those in prison, the shut in, remember your brothers and sisters in Christ and love them, pray for them, do good to them even if they spitefully use and persecute you. Then you will be like your Heavenly Father who makes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust and Who forgives you your sins when you forgive others. Be brave, ask for help, He will give it.
   Be the solution: Love more.


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